literature reviewing
Give yourself the tools to succeed!
Give yourself time to think.
A good literature review cannot be done in
6 weeks or 6 easy steps.
​Chris Hart
Tips on searching for the good stuff.
Also known as Information Retrieval.
Brief recommendations
Have a plan.
Get to know the sources and resources.
Keep on top of the housekeeping.
Always cite fully the source.
Construct a search vocabulary.
Write a list of sources to be searched.
Email leading researchers in the field - ask them for advice.
Consult your librarian.
Get a copy of the relevant citation style-guide, e.g. APA 2013.
Be prepared for lots and lots of paper.
Do you use search engines or subject directories ?
Do you know the difference ?
Do you know how to use ‘operators’ to focus your searches ?
Web directories are much better than general search engines. Web directoris do not list web pages based on key words but more usefully list web sites by categories. In many cases there are real people and not romote software behind a directory.
Here are some examples of the more useful sites beyond Google.
Voice of the Shuttle
Internet Scout
Open Project Directory
Tip: A great source to get you going are other completed theses and research reports. Check out sites such as Ethos, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD).
Tip on searching
Do you know how to use ‘operators’ to
focus your searches ?
Use this format to search
+title: topic* +topic +topic
When did Marx die and where is he
buried ?
Eg +title: Karl Marx* +died +buried
To find when Karl Marx died and where he is buried.
Tip on searching
Did you know you can search for just pdfs? Use the following kind of search engine.
This not only searches for pdfs but offers lots of useful utilites such as pdf converters - such as pdf to word.
Example of the simple searcher. Remember you can use 'UK' to 'USA' so specify country.
Tip on searching
Did you know you can search for specific media such as sounds, images and video and for special collections such as World War 2 photo archives? Use the following kind of search engine to construct useful lists - excellent in the planning stages.
This lists lots of search engines.
This searches scholarly internet sources from all academic disciplines.

See chps 2 & 3 Search preparation and Search management.

See chp 6 Searching & reviewing the literature.