literature reviewing
Give yourself the tools to succeed!
Give yourself time to think.
A good literature review cannot be done in
6 weeks or 6 easy steps.
Chris Hart
The Sokal Affiar
This is the title of a paper written by Alan Sokal and his credentials.
Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity
Department of Physics New York University 4 Washington Place New York, NY 10003 USA Internet: SOKAL@NYU.EDU Telephone: (212) 998-7729 Fax: (212) 995-4016 November 28, 1994 revised May 13, 1995 Note: This article was published in Social Text #46/47, pp. 217-252 (spring/summer 1996). Biographical Information: The author is a Professor of Physics at New York University. He has lectured widely in Europe and Latin America, including at the Università di Roma ``La Sapienza'' and, during the Sandinista government, at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. He is co-author with Roberto Fernández and Jürg Fröhlich of Random Walks, Critical Phenomena, and Triviality in Quantum Field Theory (Springer, 1992).
What we can take from Sokal:
Using scientific or pseudo-scientific terminology without bothering much about what these words mean.
Importing concepts from the natural sciences into the humanities without the slightest justification, and without providing any rationale for their use.
Displaying superficial erudition by shamelessly throwing around technical terms where they are irrelevant, presumably to impress and intimidate the non-specialist reader.
Manipulating words and phrases that are, in fact, meaningless.
Self-assurance on topics far beyond the competence of the author and exploiting the prestige of science to give discourses a veneer of rigor.

See chp 8 for examples of when researchers set themselves up as experts.
Read the full paper here,
It was published in, Social Text, 46/47:217-252 (spring/summer, 1996).
Sokal admitted that the article was
“chock-full of nonsensical, but unfortunately authentic, quotes about physics and mathematics by prominent French and American intellectuals”
“my article is a mélange of truths, half-truths, quarter-truths, falsehoods, non sequiturs, and syntactically correct sentences that have no meaning whatsoever.”
(Times Literary Supplement, 17th October, 1997: 17).
Alan Sokal admited what he had done. Others are not so honest. Check this site out called Retractionwatch and be prepared for a suprise.